Introducing the…


By New York Times bestselling author, consciousness expert, and oracle card creator Sandra Anne Taylor

Let this groundbreaking oracle card deck help you…

  • Identify your past-life experiences and energy.
  • Break free of old issues.
  • Ignite your true potential.
  • Take a look at potential future energies and events.
  • Access the energy you need to create what you really desire—now and in the years to come!

Consider your present circumstances…

  • Does it seem like despite your best efforts, some areas of your life aren't coming together as you'd like?

  • Do the same old roadblocks keep popping up, standing between you and your happiness, success, or peace of mind?

  • Are tiresome patterns—depression, abandonment, codependency, addictions — keeping you from living your best life?

  • Does the loving partnership or dream job you crave remain elusive?

If you’re nodding your head even a little, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t have to live like this any longer.

By identifying your past-life energy, you have the power to release unwanted blocks, find joy in the present and direct your destiny. (Without years of ther-apy, consulting psychics, or devouring every self-help book on the planet!)

The hidden roots of recurring issues can often be found in your past-lives, and when they are uncovered, you can finally shift your consciousness, heal old patterns, change present experiences and create greater future results.

That is exactly what The Past-Life Energy Oracle will help you do!

Get It Now!

The Past-Life Energy Oracle is your invitation to all the guidance and abundant blessings this world has to offer.

With the help of this oracle deck, you’ll finally be able to:
  • Reveal past-life influences that could be blocking the financial, career, or relationship success you long for.
  • Shift karmic emotions and transform old patterns of stress and worry into present powers of peace, understanding and trust.
  • Release lifetimes of past traumas, such as abandonment, rejection and hostility, to become more happy, free, and self-empowered than ever before.
  • View your options for future potential outcomes.

… and so much more!

Ultimately, you’ll take back your power and finally transform your life in the most miraculous ways.

Order the Past-Life Energy Oracle now and get free bonus gifts! Plus, you'll. be entered into a drawing for a private reading with Sandra!

Here’s How to Claim Your Bonuses

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Order your deck from one of these vendors below:

Barnes and Noble

Booktopia (AU)


Indigo (Canada)


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Return to this page and use the buttons below to share The Past-Life Energy Oracle with your friends. 


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Why is The Past-Life Energy Oracle so Unique?

The Past-Life Energy Oracle deck was designed to help you release the unknown, unwanted influences that may be blocking your present happiness and your future goals. The energetic patterns from past lives can direct your destiny without you even knowing it— but the unwanted patterns can be both read and changed. And through these cards, you can also access Spirit’s assistance to achieve that!

These cards are designed to reveal the alignment of past and present energy, Univer-sal influences, and future possibilities—both in your life and in the situations that you’re inquiring about. Just as past vibrations can be changed, present situations can be shifted as well. And future potentials can be revealed based on the energy involved. As we release past influences, shift our own consciousness, we can also transform the events or the timing of the outcomes that we are inquiring about.

As a result, these cards can be used to learn about past lives, view potential futures, and engage in significant personal change—whether it’s healing on a physical or emo-tional level or changing unwanted patterns regarding love or money.

While there are many oracle decks out there, none combine your own personal energy with past-life insights and the immense power of Spirit— all to help you finally break free of even the most difficult patterns and forge the destiny of your deepest desires!

Get these bonuses - All FREE when you purchase the The Past-Life Energy Oracle with this offer.

Bonus #1: Past-Life Webinar and Group Mini Readings - $200 value!

In this exclusive group reading, Sandra will lead a regression for participants and give past-life and oracle readings to help selected audience members, which will release and rescript past-life karma - so you can manifest more love, success, healing and happiness. This will take place on September 12 at 7pm ET/ 4pm PT.

Bonus #2: Be entered to win a 45-minute reading with Sandra Anne Taylor - $350 value!

Here’s your chance to get a FREE reading! The reading drawing will take place on August 22, and the winner will be announced Sandra’s Facebook Page.

Bonus #3: Tapping the Power of the Akashic Records Seminar- $440 Value

In this 6-hour audio seminar, Sandra Anne Taylor and renowned spiritual teacher Sharon Anne Klingler teach you how to get the answers you seek from the Akashic Records.

"Sandra Anne Taylor is a rare genius and one of the most remarkable women on the planet today... I enthusiastically endorse her teachings—there is much to learn here.”

Dr. Darren R. Weissman, the best-selling author of Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind

Order the Past-Life Energy Oracle now and get free bonus gifts! Plus, you'll. be entered into a drawing for a private reading with Sandra!

Here’s How to Claim Your Bonuses

Step 1

Order your deck from one of these vendors below:

Barnes and Noble

Booktopia (AU)


Indigo (Canada)


Step 2

Return to this page and use the buttons below to share The Past-Life Energy Oracle with your friends. 


Step 3

Submit the form below to get the special bonuses.

Take a journey into The Past-Life Energy Oracle


This card reveals your history as a fighter, a warrior challenging your opponents. You have that power and energy still, even though you may not always feel that way. This card could also indicate some sort of conflict in your life. If so, this is a karmic call to stand up for your- self. Michael, the Warrior Angel, fills you with strength and courage, so trust your instincts and take action on your own behalf….


You have more courage than you may realize. It’s time to stop playing things safe and limiting your life to only predictable activities. When something arises that poses a bit of a risk or leads you into some unknown territory, let yourself explore new options and investigate new directions. You can be the warrior in your own life. Be willing to fight for what you want even if it seems a bit frightening at first. Know that you can trust yourself to handle the unknown. Become a warrior in your pursuit of your goals!


Zadkiel is the angel of mercy, benevolence, and compassion. Where reincarnation is concerned, forgiveness of self and others is key because holding on to anger, hurt, and resentment only binds you more fiercely to the issues or the persons that need to be released. Also known as the angel of freedom, Zadkiel is likely to have assisted you in your past struggles to free yourself or others from oppression.


Self-forgiveness is key in shifting karmic energy. We can be so hard on ourselves, filled with self-judgment, criticism, and even self-loathing. These strong emotions can follow us through lifetimes if we don’t release them and forgive ourselves now. This calls for some journaling. Write some loving, forgiving, and encouraging letters to yourself. You can get out any negative feelings also, but always close each entry with a tender statement of unconditional self-love and an acknowledgment of your own Divine, eter-nally worthy nature.


This card reveals past lives where you have consistently prioritized others over yourself. It may have been related to your work, such as being a nurse, teacher, doctor, or healer. Or perhaps you had many children or sick relatives to take care of. It could also be as simple as repeatedly being a domestic servant where you always had to take care of others’ needs and disregard your own.


Self-priority is not selfishness. You have the right to set boundaries and say no. It may feel un-familiar and even wrong to do so, but it’s time to give yourself permission to put yourself first. Release feelings of guilt or obligation. And definitely let go of the habit of doing for others just to gain their approval. Even if this choice requires a big shift in your actions, your soul is longing for you to prioritize yourself.

Let the past-life energy oracle reveal the past, guide you in the present, and redirect your future in wonderful ways!

Get It Now!

What People are Saying…

About Sandra Anne Taylor…

Sandra Anne Taylor is the New York Times best-selling author of several titles including Quantum Success, Secrets of Attraction, Your Quantum Breakthrough Code, and The Akashic Records Made Easy. Her oracle cards, The Energy Oracle, The Quantum Oracle and the Energy and Spirit Oracle reveal both universal influences and upcoming events with amazing accuracy. The Akashic Tarot (written with Sharon Klingler) opens the records in stunningly predictive and inspirational ways. The Priestess of Light Oracle (created with artist Kimberly Webber) channels wisdom of divine feminine archetypes and sacred geometry to reveal meaningful messages and profound predictive tools. Sandra’s books and cards are available in over 32 languages worldwide. Websites: and

If you feel like you’ve been struggling to create the life you want, this profoundly revealing deck of cards can help to shift every-thing for you!

Get The Past-Life Energy Oracle now - so you can finally release and rescript your stuck energy and pave the way to joy and personal power — now and in years to come!

Order the Past-Life Energy Oracle now and get free bonus gifts! Plus, you'll. be entered into a drawing for a private reading with Sandra!

Here’s How to Claim Your Bonuses

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Order your deck from one of these vendors below:

Barnes and Noble

Booktopia (AU)


Indigo (Canada)


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Return to this page and use the buttons below to share The Past-Life Energy Oracle with your friends. 


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